Sunday, October 6, 2024

Christine & Scott's Visit

Christine came to visit for 7 days before I hosted the Kerry Pettingill reunion, and Scott also came 4 days early. It was so much fun having them here!!

Water balloon fights and popsicles

Even I joined the water fight in my pajamas.
We visited and picnicked at the peaceful Japanese gardens in Manito Park

Swimming pool fun
We celebrated the 4th of July by watching the Nine Mile Falls parade and had a potluck dinner with Stephanie's family and fireworks at the office parking lot that night.

I was proud Cora knew to salute the flag and was teaching the younger kids to do the same
Look at these cute patriots!

We all went to church together and I loved how the cousins helped each other out
Tie dyed t-shirts and played games

Everyone loved played on the saucer swing! Even Scott gave Christine a fun joy ride.....that is until on the way back down from pushing her, the cable snapped and Christine went straight into the ground. She didn't move for a good 5 minutes and I rushed down there to try to help her up, but the wind got knocked out of her and she bruised some ribs. She had to lay low for a couple days after that, icing her side. I felt so bad but so grateful it wasn't serious!
But look at that face! She had fun until the cable snapped. So sorry, Christine!

Hiking Waikiki Springs

We hiked around Waikiki Springs with two other families in our ward. It wasn't too hot and after our hike the boys jumped into the spring. I'm grateful for our beautiful area! I wouldn't hike this particular one again, it had a switchback trail that was about a mile long before you even got to the actual trail. That wore me out fast, haha. 


Father's Day

For Father's Day this year the kids helped make a book titled If You Give A Dad A Pop that came with little gifts on each page and candid photos through the years. We sure love Daddy, he's definitely the favorite around here!


Carlee, Cora, & Presley - BFF's


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Recent Happenings

I guess that's one way to cool off.

This made me laugh so hard - Cora was doing her chore vacuuming the stairs and was singing It's A Hard Knock Life. She has no idea how easy she has it, lol.
Just my precious girl home from school with a sickness.
Mom and Dad on their anniversary weekend. Sure love these two so much!

Our friends, the Brimhall's, just finished medical school so my graduation gift to them was taking their 5 kids for the weekend. We mostly just played at home but I did take them on a hike up Dishman Hills.

Lance and I celebrated our 19 wedding anniversary by going to the temple and a not-so-fancy dinner at Red Robin. But the indulgent cheeseburger and fries hit the spot!

Sometimes ice cream for dinner is a necessity.
Congrats to Ezra for his second student of the month! Woohoo! This time he was recognized by his PE teacher.

Lance went with Cora on her field trip to an Indians game and they sure had a blast.  Her best friend next to her is Presley.

We took the kids to the community fire day in Mead. It was pretty awesome, they had all kinds of vendors with more free swag than I ever want my kids to have, and cool demonstrations every 15 minutes. Kimball has recently changed his career choice from paramedic to firefighter so he was in heaven all morning long. They did CPR demonstrations, oil fire demonstrations, rescue from tall building demonstrations, enclosed room fire demonstrations, explosive trained dog and police dog demonstrations, robot demonstrations, every kind of rescue, police, medical vehicle you can think of, etc. etc. It was pretty cool even for adults.

Girls night!!! We had dinner at the Gilded Unicorn and went to see Kristina Kuzmic at the comedy club. She did not disappoint, I could have stayed there another 5 hours just soaking it all in. Wow. So good and so good to spend time with these ladies!
I went with Ezra on his field trip to Hutton Settlement where they did a nature scavenger hike. They learned about pine trees, forest fires, leaves, and had lots of cool drawings, some with charcoal from the burned trees.