Saturday, December 31, 2011
Meeting Great Grandma Pettingill
About a month or so ago Grandma starting living in an assisted living home in Filer. Her mind has gotten too bad with Alzheimer's and its become increasingly more difficult for Grandpa to take care of her. When he has good days and feels good then he's all about taking care of her. But when he has bad days which is more often, then its almost impossible for him to take care of her as well as himself. Its been a hard adjustment for both of them and a hard decision for Grandpa as well as their children. I think Grandma gets pretty lonely and with the new baby, we decided she needed to meet Kimball. I knew it would make her day and bring such a joyful feeling. She loved holding him the entire time we were there and kept patting his little stomach and touching his soft skin. Kimball will probably never know it but his presence made all the difference in the world for her that day. She cried as we left but we will be back again soon to visit. We love you Grandma!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Melt My Heart
About a month ago while we were waiting to be seen for tithing settlement, a member of our ward was asking general questions about Kimball and I since I haven't been back to church yet. He then turned to Lance and asked, "So, is it as good as you thought it would be?" (Implying fatherhood). Lance said, "No. It's better."
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Filling Out
Lance doesn't like to look at blogs that are plastered with people's kids because to him, he wants to read about his friends and what they're up to, not necessarily his friend's kids. He vowed we would never be one of those families that plastered photos of our kids and I slightly disagreed thinking there should be a good mix. So when I go back and review my blog and see that every little thing is about Kimball......oops. I'm sorry if any of you agree with Lance and can see we went against our own wishes. But thinking of the past few months, my entire waking life revolves around taking care of the little guy and we haven't done anything spectacular either. Lance goes to work and I stay home to take care of Kimball. December is typically a very busy month for families but since Kimball is still quite young and the weather is cold, we haven't gone to too many places or activities.
Kimball is starting to change. He's getting chubbier and starting to fill out. His face is much more round, his cheeks have doubled in size along with his double chin, his legs are rolly polly, and he's losing all those uber darling newborn characteristics, especially in his face. It really makes me sad to see him get bigger and I've bawled about three times over it.
Kimball is starting to change. He's getting chubbier and starting to fill out. His face is much more round, his cheeks have doubled in size along with his double chin, his legs are rolly polly, and he's losing all those uber darling newborn characteristics, especially in his face. It really makes me sad to see him get bigger and I've bawled about three times over it.
He's Going to Be a Drooler, Like His Mama
Kimball is the funniest little boy and we can't wait to see more of his personality. Of course we're also partial and biased! But the other day as I finished feeding him, I was just talking and playing with him while holding him up and all of a sudden he was out of it, dead asleep.
Christmas Devotional
Mom and Dad and I went down to visit Christine for the weekend since she's by her lonesome with Stephen gone to training. We got tickets to the First Presidency Christmas Devotional but they wouldn't let Kimball and I into the main conference center. So Christine and I went to a separate theater set aside for families with children and enjoyed ourselves. It was a great broadcast, one of my favorite parts of Christmas. Although we were both missing our husbands and wished they were with us.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Dirty but Happy
I don't know how some mothers make it through the day. I have one little newborn who is a good baby for the most part but wakes up like clock work to eat every 2-3 hours. How do mothers do it when they already have 2, 3, 4, 5+ kids AND a newborn??? Holy cow, they amaze me! Welcome a not so welcome thing called sleep deprivation.
I love being a stay at home mom! I had pictured things a lot differently though. For one, I thought I'd have TONS of time to be productive and get things done around house. I fantasized about vacuuming everyday, not so much as a sock left in the laundry basket, no crumbs on the counter, no dishes in the sink, and a dust free house. Ha! What was I thinking? I have finally got into somewhat of a daily routine which includes: feeding #1, two precious hours to be productive, feeding #2, nap, feeding #3, cook dinner and get ready for Lance to come home to help with feedings and such. So during the day I have about two hours to accomplish a huge to-do list. The nap is crucially essential, no questions asked. The rest of the evening and into the night where normal people are sleeping, you'll find me up at all hours soothing and feeding my baby. Currently, you'll find 6 baskets full of clothes, towels, and sheets that need to be hung and folded (at least they're washed and dried), a sink full of dishes, a floor with who knows what that hasn't been vacuumed for a few weeks, what looks like a mound of dust all over, two bathrooms that desperately need scrubbed, and a mom who could really use a week to play catch-up. Totally gross. I know. (By the way, no need to mention the fact that I don't get dressed for the day or wear make up anymore, or do my hair. The only thing in check is a shower).
But on the other hand, Kimball has been going through a growth spurt and as Lance and I stayed up and talked the other night, I got teary eyed thinking about my little baby growing up. I want him to stay little AND sleep through the night which won't happen, I know. So while my house is so dirty, and I mean F-I-L-T-H-Y dirty, my baby is still a baby and I want to enjoy that while I can. The dishes and laundry can stay piled up and people can judge me as they wish when they walk into my house but I don't want to miss one minute of my precious little boy's life. I'll hopefully find time to fold and scrub and sanitize during that itty bitty two hour "productive" time, and if I don't then I'll know I was busy snuggling up to my squishy, comfy, warm, cute little guy.
I love being a stay at home mom! I had pictured things a lot differently though. For one, I thought I'd have TONS of time to be productive and get things done around house. I fantasized about vacuuming everyday, not so much as a sock left in the laundry basket, no crumbs on the counter, no dishes in the sink, and a dust free house. Ha! What was I thinking? I have finally got into somewhat of a daily routine which includes: feeding #1, two precious hours to be productive, feeding #2, nap, feeding #3, cook dinner and get ready for Lance to come home to help with feedings and such. So during the day I have about two hours to accomplish a huge to-do list. The nap is crucially essential, no questions asked. The rest of the evening and into the night where normal people are sleeping, you'll find me up at all hours soothing and feeding my baby. Currently, you'll find 6 baskets full of clothes, towels, and sheets that need to be hung and folded (at least they're washed and dried), a sink full of dishes, a floor with who knows what that hasn't been vacuumed for a few weeks, what looks like a mound of dust all over, two bathrooms that desperately need scrubbed, and a mom who could really use a week to play catch-up. Totally gross. I know. (By the way, no need to mention the fact that I don't get dressed for the day or wear make up anymore, or do my hair. The only thing in check is a shower).
But on the other hand, Kimball has been going through a growth spurt and as Lance and I stayed up and talked the other night, I got teary eyed thinking about my little baby growing up. I want him to stay little AND sleep through the night which won't happen, I know. So while my house is so dirty, and I mean F-I-L-T-H-Y dirty, my baby is still a baby and I want to enjoy that while I can. The dishes and laundry can stay piled up and people can judge me as they wish when they walk into my house but I don't want to miss one minute of my precious little boy's life. I'll hopefully find time to fold and scrub and sanitize during that itty bitty two hour "productive" time, and if I don't then I'll know I was busy snuggling up to my squishy, comfy, warm, cute little guy.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
A (Sleep) Walk in My Shoes
Lance had Friday off and offered to get up with Kimball on Thursday and Friday night. Of course, I still woke up every time he needed to be fed but at least I got to stay in bed and go back to sleep. Boy, I was spoiled! And Lance got to experience what its like to feed him every 2-3 hours and run on limited sleep. So it was good for both of us and he has a greater appreciation for what I do, not that he didn't before. Thanks Sweetie for that priceless gift!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
First Bath
We gave Kimball his first bath last week and he hated being so cold! He loved the warm water though and zonked right out when we put him in the swing for the first time directly after his bath.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Life Fulfilled
I have so much to be grateful for! I just know that Father in Heaven is so mindful of His children and that he knows exactly what we need, when we need it. I know that He answers my prayers and has heard every plea and whisper from myself and Lance. I'm so thankful for all that I've been blessed with and how everything has turned out. True, this pregnancy was quite difficult with the hyperemesis, multiple hospital stays, preterm labor and contractions, and the placenta previa. Given the previa is a complication in itself, I never once had a problem with it other than the actual existence of it. Things could have gone to worse or deadly in a matter of minutes but again, not once did I have any problems with it. I see the previa as a huge blessing because #1 I was able to go four weeks early which was awesome since being pregnant was so awful. #2 I was able to have a scheduled c-section and will probably opt for it again if there are any more children in the future. #3 I got to choose the doctors I wanted who were phenomenal.
I'm so thankful to have this beautiful baby boy who is just my own little buddy. He has added a whole new dimension and purpose to my life. Prior to his coming, I worked full time to pay the bills and put Lance through school. Sure I cooked dinner and cleaned and all that good wife stuff in the evenings. And it's true that I did all of that in preparation for our future. But now, my purpose has changed to being a wife and a mother. Everybody said that once I laid eyes on my baby it would be like Christmas morning times a million. Being honest, I didn't feel that way. I didn't have a chance to see Kimball until seven hours after surgery and when I first visited him in the NICU, it was different. I was meeting a stranger for the first time. A stranger that was my new responsibility and I didn't know what to do with him. Of course I loved him as I was carrying him, but it has been a gradual process and if its possible, every day I love him more and more. It's definitely been a day by day journey the past nine months and everyday I feel more and more fulfilled.
I'm so thankful for this sweet baby!!! I love his fuzzy brown hair and super soft skin. I love his warmth and innocence as a new spirit from Heavenly Father. I love his flailing arms and legs and utter wriggling at times he's not wrapped up. I love his beautiful navy eyes and the way they make his forehead wrinkle up 20 times like an old man when he's looking around. I love his little skinny body. I love his long fingers and toes and all their perfectness. I love his pointy elf ears - people have said they'll eventually round out and that it's common with preemies. I love his hilarious facial expressions, especially the way he smiles when he sleeps. I love the way he sticks out his bottom lip. I love his plump Cox cheeks. I love his sighing whimpers when he's sleeping. I love his sneezes, he's always got at least seven in a row. I love his sweetness and the way he always smells so good. Words are hard to find to describe the love I have for this precious little baby of mine. Every little inch of him is just so precious!
I love him because of the new purpose he has given me. I'm treasuring this short and precious time I have him as an infant because they grow up too fast. But at the same time I'm anxious to see his personality develop and watch him grow into a toddler and little boy. I'm so thankful for my new family of three and I'm cherishing every day, every moment I'm given.
I'm so thankful to have this beautiful baby boy who is just my own little buddy. He has added a whole new dimension and purpose to my life. Prior to his coming, I worked full time to pay the bills and put Lance through school. Sure I cooked dinner and cleaned and all that good wife stuff in the evenings. And it's true that I did all of that in preparation for our future. But now, my purpose has changed to being a wife and a mother. Everybody said that once I laid eyes on my baby it would be like Christmas morning times a million. Being honest, I didn't feel that way. I didn't have a chance to see Kimball until seven hours after surgery and when I first visited him in the NICU, it was different. I was meeting a stranger for the first time. A stranger that was my new responsibility and I didn't know what to do with him. Of course I loved him as I was carrying him, but it has been a gradual process and if its possible, every day I love him more and more. It's definitely been a day by day journey the past nine months and everyday I feel more and more fulfilled.
I'm so thankful for this sweet baby!!! I love his fuzzy brown hair and super soft skin. I love his warmth and innocence as a new spirit from Heavenly Father. I love his flailing arms and legs and utter wriggling at times he's not wrapped up. I love his beautiful navy eyes and the way they make his forehead wrinkle up 20 times like an old man when he's looking around. I love his little skinny body. I love his long fingers and toes and all their perfectness. I love his pointy elf ears - people have said they'll eventually round out and that it's common with preemies. I love his hilarious facial expressions, especially the way he smiles when he sleeps. I love the way he sticks out his bottom lip. I love his plump Cox cheeks. I love his sighing whimpers when he's sleeping. I love his sneezes, he's always got at least seven in a row. I love his sweetness and the way he always smells so good. Words are hard to find to describe the love I have for this precious little baby of mine. Every little inch of him is just so precious!
I love him because of the new purpose he has given me. I'm treasuring this short and precious time I have him as an infant because they grow up too fast. But at the same time I'm anxious to see his personality develop and watch him grow into a toddler and little boy. I'm so thankful for my new family of three and I'm cherishing every day, every moment I'm given.
Easy As Pie
Because I'm so intolerant to pain I had planned on being down for at least 6 weeks after the c-section in writhing, uncomfortable pain. Turns out, recovery has been a breeze and I was right about one thing: nursing is far more painful than the surgery. I'm talking sharp, excruciating pain. That's all I'm going to say about that.
I was up and walking in no time at the hospital and because the NICU was a little jaunt down several hallways from my room, it made for good exercise and movement. Two things that made a huge difference for me was staying on top of the pain meds and being as prepared and informed as I could. I was given a book called The Essential C-Section Guide which goes through every aspect of the surgery and recovery, which I highly recommend reading if you have to have the surgery. Because of this I knew exactly what to expect and what was going on.
The pain hasn't been bad at all; not directly after the surgery, not recovering in my hospital room, and not at all since I've been home from the hospital. Staying on top of the pain meds was key and has made recovery a breeze. I'm talking easy as pie. They say no lifting anything heavier than the baby, no housework especially vacuuming, just rest. This wasn't an issue in my case because I recovered so quickly and it has been so nice! I know I haven't experienced regular labor, but for those that have fears of c-sections, I would do it again in a heartbeat over regular labor.
I was up and walking in no time at the hospital and because the NICU was a little jaunt down several hallways from my room, it made for good exercise and movement. Two things that made a huge difference for me was staying on top of the pain meds and being as prepared and informed as I could. I was given a book called The Essential C-Section Guide which goes through every aspect of the surgery and recovery, which I highly recommend reading if you have to have the surgery. Because of this I knew exactly what to expect and what was going on.
The pain hasn't been bad at all; not directly after the surgery, not recovering in my hospital room, and not at all since I've been home from the hospital. Staying on top of the pain meds was key and has made recovery a breeze. I'm talking easy as pie. They say no lifting anything heavier than the baby, no housework especially vacuuming, just rest. This wasn't an issue in my case because I recovered so quickly and it has been so nice! I know I haven't experienced regular labor, but for those that have fears of c-sections, I would do it again in a heartbeat over regular labor.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sweet Halloween
This is the first Halloween Lance and I aren't dressing up or hosting a party which is a bummer but our reason is so worth it. I mean, look at this little mummy of a man that the NICU nurses dressed him as. They made the onesie with actual gauze and little google eyes, so creative! Of course we had to get a picture with the cute bib that the ladies from the bank gave him even though its super big.

Sunday, October 30, 2011
Little Old Man
Daddy Time
Early Treat
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