Monday, January 26, 2009


Does anybody else out there have the winter blues? Seriously, after several weeks (if not months) of fog and mist and snow and rain and lots of wind............where's the sunshine?!?!?! Where's the warmth and the love of walking outside because it's so nice???? I'm so sick of winter, it's getting quite ridiculous and very on my nerves. I just want some sunshine people, is that too hard to ask for?!?!


Harris Happenings said...

Ask and you shall receive. The sun blinded me today as I pulled into the school parking lot. Have a happy sunshine-y day!

Lilita said...

We're not having much sun today either, if that makes you feel any better. And yes, I love Baby J's new haircut a lot, and it made me laugh that you were wondering what he looked like after getting all the hippy-like length shorn off, finally!