Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ever Wonder the Damages of Hard Water?

Ever since I was in high school, I have worked for Kinetico besides the 2.5 years we were in Charleston. I am now working back there as the office manager and I really enjoy it. Anyway, for those of you that don't know what hard water is or how to treat your water, Kinetico is the only system that works on demand and is non electric. It's extremely efficient using dual tanks so when one tank is regenerating the other tank is still giving you soft water. Because it isn't on a timer you don't waste gallons of water and salt on unnecessary regeneration. Kinetico honestly is the best company out there. (And no, I'm not just saying that because I work for them. They truthfully are the best!)

Have you ever wondered what hard water does to your appliances? You know it leaves spots on your dishes, it has a chlorine taste and smell, and it's difficult to clean off of fixtures. Here's a picture of a water heater that's been cut so you can see the affects of hard water. And just think, if this is how damaged the water heater is, then what about the washer, fridge, dishwasher, and all the other water-using appliances and plumbing in your house?!


Harris Happenings said...

We love our Kinetico water softener. And I'm not just saying that to get some discounted salt! ;)

Jill said...

I also love my Kinetico water softner. When I go somewhere that doesn't have soft water, I cringe:/

Jill said...

I also love my Kinetico water softner! When I go somewhere that doesn't have soft water I cringe:/

Matt and Debbie said...

Interesting. Maybe I will need one someday. Thanks for the info. Also, your jewelery is way cute!!