Friday, February 26, 2010


Earlier this week I read this quote and it spoke a world to me. I've kept it in my inbox all week because I've read it every morning and can't seem to get enough of it:

"Work is an antidote for anxiety, an ointment for sorrow, and a doorway to possibility. Whatever our circumstances in life, my dear brethren, let us do the best we can and cultivate a reputation for excellence in all that we do. Let us set our minds and bodies to the glorious opportunity for work that each new day presents."

-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

1 comment:

*LaUrA* said...

So so true...the moments when I get down are the moments I have been stuck in the house...not accomplishing much...being lazy! When I get out and do something productive...or even just being productive without getting out...those are good days. Those are days I can go to sleep knowing I did some good.