Tuesday, March 19, 2013


My word, I'm so far behind in journaling! It's driving me crazy because I don't think I'll be able to catch up.

Yesterday afternoon I called Lance and confirmed my suspicions, I am expecting baby #2! I have been suspecting it for the last three weeks and I decided to finally put all my questioning to rest. Lance was disappointed I wasn't more creative in the way that I told him, so I said, "There really isn't much more to tell other than I am pregnant and I thought you should know because you're probably the father." He got a good chuckle out of that. We are extremely excited!!!

Today Lance got a call from the Barbershop Harmony Society saying he won such and such contest. Lance asked the lady what she was talking about. She said he'd been entered into a contest called Such And Such (I can't remember the actual name) to see who can recruit the most guys under age 30 and he won. Lance asked what he won, assuming it was just a cd or something small. She said, well you won the grand prize. Lance asked what it was and she said you won a six night stay in Toronto with airfare, room and board, and competition tickets all paid for. I'm so stinking proud of him! It has been over a year that he has put blood, sweat, and tears into the Ttones. Not for the sake of the contest, he didn't even know about the contest nor  that he'd been entered into it. He does it because he loves music and singing and when all those Ttones get together, they just have a ball. Way to go Honey!!!

Tomorrow I'm leaving with mom to go visit Christine for a couple of days. I'm really excited! If history repeats itself, I'll become deathly ill with this baby during our trip, I'm crossing my fingers I won't.

Next week if I'm still not sick I'm going with Donna and Steph up to Boise to visit the sisters for a while. Kimball will love playing with all the cousins during spring break and I wouldn't mind the break too.

Kimball's canine teeth and molars are STILL cutting through! Man, these little buggers have been horrible for him and taking their sweet time. I feel so bad for him, poor little guy. He went to nursery for the first time and did great. He says "Becky" for mama, "Daddy" for daddy, and "Kimball" for himself. The other day he said Becky so clearly in the kitchen while I was cooking, I actually turned around to see who was calling my name. To be honest it kind of freaked me out a little. He learned to swim in the tub by laying on his belling and pushing himself back and forth with his hands, he loves it and I can't wait for the weather to turn nicer so we can get out the kiddie pool. Speaking of weather, we are SO STINKING ANTSY for spring! We just want nice weather so we can get out of the house a little. If we did, I'm sure we'd all be a little happier. Much to my discontent Kimball adjusted himself to one nap a day. Oh deary me.

There's so much more to blog about but my stupid pregnancy brain is getting in the way. When Kimball wakes up from his nap, we cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and he eats a snack while I read to him. A few weeks ago I kept catching myself saying yellow while looking at white (reading a book about colors) and another book I kept saying cheese instead of peas. Stupid! I forgot how much I hate the pregnancy brain and I'm even more convinced since I've been typing this long post and have used the backspace button more than the space bar. Idiot!

1 comment:

Matt and Debbie said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting for another awesome Cox baby to come along. Hope this pregnancy goes smoother and less sickly for you. How exciting (and exhausting!!).