Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Festivities

This is the annual Christmas barbershop show. Lance did a great job directing, afterward I had several guys tell me how much they love having him be the director - he knows how to make it fun but is serious when he needs to be. I even won a raffle item and silent auction, woohoo!
On our way to be secret Santa's to the Guild School!
Christmas Sunday
Christmas Eve - the kids get new pajamas and this year was the movie Home Alone (I knew Kimball would find it hilarious) with a special treat. We had such a great Christmas together with our little family, what a memorable and special day. I read something the other day that said, "The magic is in the mess." So I tried my best to ignore the chaos and embrace the moment. I sure love these three cubs of mine and am thankful for the sacrifice Lance makes to work so that I can stay at home to be with my children. I'm so grateful for a precious Babe who chose to fulfill the Lord's plan and sacrifice himself to redeem us from sin and to conquer the grave. How blessed we are!

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