Thursday, February 7, 2019


A few days after the glue incident Cora surprised me again, luckily this time it was in a good way. We were working on mommy school and I had to take this picture. The fluidity of her hand is improving and her letters/numbers/shapes are not so jagged anymore. She's getting there!
Cora and I went on a girls trip to get my hair cut. She surprised me by getting her hair cut too! I mean, this is the same girl who doesn't let anybody touch her hair. This is the girl who hates Mom doing her hair every week for church. This is the girl that hates brushes and shampooing and anything at all to do with hair. But Cora climbed up into the chair and sat perfectly still. She didn't love the process and especially didn't like seeing her hair falling on the cape, but she allowed it. Big props to you, my darling girl!!! To celebrate we stopped at the dollar store on the way home and of all things she picked out a bag of cotton candy. Her first professional haircut is in the bag.

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