Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Individual School Dates

 Once the school announced their daily format for school, I knew instantly that the distance learning due to COVID was not going to work for us. There really wasn't much improvement compared to how school was being conducted in the spring and that was an utter nightmare. With lots of research of varying curriculum and even more prayer, I decided to un-enroll my children from public school. Public school was just not going to fit for us, not the students or myself as a parent. So I've chosen to home school my kids this year. And so far, it is going pretty darn well! I love the flexibility - we can do whatever we want, when we want. The kids love the videos and learning games and I supplement with typing, doing a gratitude journal for our writing to promote selflessness and positivity, art, and our own PE is usually riding bikes or hiking. I can even plan any field trips! I got Cora back into private therapy for speech and reading, and Kimball is now taking piano lessons.

I love this feisty, sassy girl. She knows what she wants all the time and is so determined. After getting school supplies she chose a donut for her treat. Of course.

Kimball chose ice cream for his treat and as we picked up school supplies he found a dirt bike in the middle of the store. Since he's all about mountain biking, that was the best part of his date with me.


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