Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Christmas Activities

 We decided to support a local  business who is going out of January 1st if they didn't receive more customers, all due to covid. So we went to Amy's Donuts and order a half dozen for ourselves (the kids chose their own) and then four dozen to take to the local police.

The first police station was super quiet with only one guy in there. We decided to hit the fire station and take the fire fighters some donuts but we couldn't get in the door so we went to the police academy instead. This stop turned into a field trip! I asked Kimball if he had any questions for the offers or about what they do and he said he wanted to see the shooting range. I told him he wasn't allowed back there but the officer said, "Absolutely! Let's go, bud!" He gave each of the kids a swat badge and we walked out to the shooting range where a dew DEA agents were practicing. It turned out that day was graduation day and 22 new officers were called, 4 of them stayed in Spokane and the rest went to other areas of the state. Right by the shooting range was a mini obstacle course, turns out that's where they train the police dogs. It was all pretty cool and they were very thankful for the donuts.

Making gingerbread houses

This year for our ornament we made melted snowmen out of felt
My perfect view - a fire going right by the tree and stockings, so warm!
For therapy Cora got to write a letter to Santa. This is what hers says:

Dear Santa,

I want a doll set for Christmas and my own garbage can. I want these because I have gum at home.

Cora Cox

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