Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Miles, Cora's Birthday, and Thanksgiving

While we were in Twin for Grandpa's funeral I got to meet Scott and Sydney's newest Pettingill, Miles. So precious!

We also celebrated Cora's birthday while in Twin with both Grandparents which was a present in itself as none of the kids have had birthdays with any grandparents or cousins. Happy 8 years old to you, my darling girl! She's still unsure about baptism and I'd like her to make that decision on her own so we will probably wait until summer or our next trip to Twin. That way Donna and John can be present (John isn't able to travel right now) and it gives Cora time to make her decision.

The day we got home from Twin Falls was also Thanksgiving and Lance prepared all of it. He chose ham instead of turkey and all of it was just lovely! We used the china that Grandpa Pettingill gave to me and having just come home from his funeral it was an added measure of love. This year it was just our little family and I couldn't be more blessed or more overcome with love for them.

Due to the funeral we had to reschedule Cora's birthday party with friends so it was the following week instead. She had a princess party and everyone came dressed up. The girls got to make their own flower crowns, played princess bingo, had cake and presents, and then they got to play for a while. They each went home with nail polish and a pretty bracelet.

Pamela, Audrey, Sydney, and Joslyn.


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