Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Ouchies For The Boys

Two weeks ago Ezra underwent a small procedure to clip his tongue tie. I had him evaluated a year ago for this but the doctor said it would eventually stretch out which didn't turn out to be the case. Ezra is still choking and pocketing his food and struggles with his speech. As babies have this procedure it's a super quick thing with no stitches or recovery but since Ezra is 4, they cut the tongue all the way down the middle and stitched it up. His recovery was still pretty easy and we managed the pain with ibuprofen and tylenol. I can already tell a difference with his speech, he's able to produce the L sound MUCH easier. We're still working on his feeding and speech therapy but I'm hopeful that this will help him get ready for Kindergarten quicker.

Four days ago Kimball was doing tricks on his scooter in the driveway as Lance was changing tires and oil in the vans. The next thing I know Kimball's face is covered in blood (from his nose) and he's got some major road rash. It looked like his nose may have been broken but the main thing was his braces which cut up his lip and then got stuck under the brackets. Ouch! His lip was so swollen I couldn't get him to even open his mouth. Since it was evening we called a P.A. in our ward who quickly came over and ripped his lip out from the braces (lots of blood) and assessed that his nose was not broken, just severely bruised.

We got him cleaned up and bandaged and aside from his embarrassment at this scratched up face in public, he was perfectly fine. He wasn't wearing a helmet but he was wearing his biking gloves which saved some major road rash from his hands. I'm not sure if the helmet would've helped his face at all, probably just his forehead. But he healed up quickly!


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