Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Random Photos

Now this picture may not look like much but it was worth celebrating! The past month or so I've been on a mission to figure out why Cora is sick all the time. I mean, since January to present day, these last six months she has been sick with chronic respiratory and cold-like symptoms. In April she was on antibiotics for an ear infection and the antibiotics helped, but the cold like symptoms came back four days later. ANYWAY, I took her to the allergist who did a blood draw to see where her white blood cell count is at and I believe she was going to look into autoimmune deficiencies/diseases. (Still waiting for those test results).

I didn't tell Cora she had to get her blood drawn and I didn't want to have to wait another year+ to piggyback it onto a sedation. So we walked right into the lab, Cora sat in the chair, and completely cooperated! No yelling, no crying, no fits, no apprehension whatsoever!!! This has not happened in 9.5 years without sedation!!!!!!! I think the key was that I didn't tell her what to expect. If she heard the word blood or if I explained what was going to happen I knew she was freak out, so I didn't say anything. Wow. I'm still in shock she did it and of course we had to get a treat on the way home to celebrate!

Get it, girl! Nothing like strong arm muscles trying to stir rice krispies.

Ezra's first lost tooth!! He was so excited and wanted to keep his tooth so he could put it under his pillow again for more money. He certainly tried but it didn't work.
For Memorial Day we went to a field to play baseball as a family and fly kites. Ezra and Cora found a spigot and sure had fun splashing around. Then we had dinner with our neighbors.

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