Monday, January 8, 2024

Christmas Break Activities

During the two weeks off of school, we mostly chilled around the house. The kids were super excited for their new Nintendo Switch so we had a lot of screen time and junk food. Two things we did do was go ice skating downtown at the skate ribbon and attend our first hockey game. (Lance won the hockey tickets as a prize for best decorated vehicle at the middle school trunk or treat). The kids loved ice skating! Poor Ezra had bloody blisters on the side of his legs from his skates, he had to stop skating early. Next time we'll wear long socks and athletic pants to tuck into the skates. By the time we finished skating it was dark so we headed inside to warm up and ate at the little restaurant inside. It was a great way to end winter break for the kids!

Our first hockey game watching the Chiefs was a win! It was a family feast night so drinks and hot dogs were $2 a piece instead of $9 and everybody loved watching the game. We even got to see one fight which really stressed-out Cora. I feel bad that was her reaction to it because it kind of ruined the night for her, she wasn't expecting that but next time we can prepare her better. I think we'll end up going a few more times before the season is over.


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