Thursday, May 30, 2024

February Happenings

For family game night we played Pie Face and wrestled in the basement. Pie Face wasn't planned out and I didn't have any cool whip so the boys used shaving cream. It worked just as well until Ezra started licking his face.

I did wrestle even though there are no pictures of me and when I wrestled Kimball he said, "I forgot you grew up with lots of brothers, you're a lot stronger than I thought!"

In February Lance went to Thailand with Benton and Kempton's family. Lance and Benton spent 10 days abroad and absolutely loved it even though it was incredibly hot and humid. These are the only few pictures I got of us while Lance was away.

Lance and I went on a date to a concert at St. John's cathedral that was put on by a christian based college from the midwest. I can't remember what college it was but it was a fantastic concert!

 Savannah came to visit Charity and I again in February, but really it was mostly for Croft. She wanted to surprise him by coming to support him for his mission farewell, which also happened to be the week of valentine's day. Needless to say it was a good week for the two of them, haha. We did manage to squeeze a few hours of shopping in.

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