Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Diamond and Lemonade

A few months ago Kimball went to a friend's house to hang out and his friend had a few parakeets that Kimball fell in love with. He's very much like Lance in that he gets obsessive about one particular thing for a while before something else takes hold of him. All we heard for a few weeks was birds, birds, birds, how can I get my own parakeets? We told him he had to earn the money and once that happened then we could discuss options. Kimball set out and found a few neighbors who he's scooping dog poop for every week. He only needed one more week of scooping then he'd have enough money for his own birds. (He's keeping the poop scooping job for the long foreseeable future).

The next Sunday after church, Lance was delivering papers to a ward member who's just down the street from us. When she opened the door she had this large bird cage and two parakeets which Lance commented on. As it turns out, this lady was not supposed to have birds in her house since it wasn't part of her lease and has been looking to rehome the birds. She wanted to just give everything (one very large bird cage, small bird cage, toys, food, the two birds, etc) to Kimball for free. What?! We were so surprised but we told her even though we'd be happy to take the birds, we cannot do it for free. I explained to her about Kimball's job and how he's been saving and I need this to be a good teaching experience for him regarding money and responsibility. We both decided that doing some service for her would be payment enough and after a few weeks of getting her garden area ready for planting (weeding, raking, trimming, spraying, shoveling, mixing dirt, fertilizing, etc.) we adopted the birds. Kimball named them Diamond and Lemonade.

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