Sunday, March 6, 2011

Missionary Moments

Sister Huckfeldt and Thomas are totally awesome! Sadly, Sister Thomas is going home from the mission tomorrow. :( But sister Huckfeldt, who's from Brisbane, Australia will be staying here for at least one more transfer. These two are crazy nuts! They're so funny and a blast to be with and are a great pair of missionaries. Lance was showing them how to set up a profile on the new thingy. Sister Huckfeldt had heart burn and asked if we had any medicine, of course who doesn't have a bottle of the pink stuff? She'd never heard of peptobismol and being that was the only medicine to give immediate relief, she chose to try it.

And one clarification if I may, while we were talking about rain boots Sister Huckfeldt referred to mine as gummie boots. I said, excuse me, what did you call them? "What? The gum boots?" I was so ecstatic, Lance thought my family made up the word but we didn't and there's the Aussie truth of it. Thanks for proving me right. :)

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