Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wiggle Worm

Yesterday was another day spent in the hospital. I was scheduled for an ultrasound which was really neat to see the heart beat and it's little arms wiggling. But I've never thrown up so much, the vomiting continues. They summoned for the doctor who saw me last week and I got more iv fluids. I threw up 3 times while getting the fluids and I was glad they saw that because they knew it's not just in my head and it really is as bad as I say it is. They gave me more meds and released me with instructions to call first thing in the morning to make an appointment for......I can't remember what it's called......a permanent iv thing so they don't have to poke me anymore. Which means I'll be going in quite frequently for iv fluids.

Good news is as they measured the baby, I'm a week further along. I hope that means only 3 more weeks of this misery.


Turok said...

its a PICC line...that sucks you are so sick. I totally get the whole throwing up thing and it totally sucks. Hopefully it wont last much longer for ya. Good Luck!!

Anonymous said...

I step away from blogging and look what I miss! I am soo sorry you are sick. You are moving right? But are you still in Twin Falls? Let me know because I will be there this weekend and I am coming over (no I am not asking) & cleaning & bringing food that worked for me & bringing some baby stuff...hopefully you haven't moved yet...because well then I can't be of much help. HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON!!! Let me know ASAP