Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Have I mentioned before that Kimball is just so funny? He's probably just funny to me since I'm his mom but really, he's hilarious. I crack up all the time at his day-to-day expressions and how he interacts with others. I think I mentioned earlier that his latest thing is the fake laugh. He does it all. the. time. During Jayna's blessing, during important phone conversations with the slew of doctors I've been talking with, the bank drive thru, even at appropriate times during conversations between Lance and I. I haven't got it on video but hopefully one day.

Today Kimball has figured out how to scare people. He loves to be scared so I scare him all the time. Today is the first time he had yelled back to try to scare me. It was the funniest thing! The unfortunate thing is that he gave me his cough so every time I'd scare him and he'd do it back to me then we'd both crack up laughing, I was coughing so hard I couldn't stop. When I bathed him he continued to try to scare me, love it!

I forgot to mention my moment of shame. (Lance just had to tell this story in front of his whole family this past weekend in Boise after the blessing. It was quite embarrassing)! Donna called and wanted me to get some measurements of Kimball so she could get sewing. At the time she called I was upstairs in the hall and Kimball kept trying to take my measuring tape so I grabbed the thing that was closest to try to distract him. It was a razor (not sure why it was in the hall on the floor, odd). The cap was on it and I didn't think he'd be able to get the cap off. But after telling Donna his measurements I had to hang up quickly because he had blood dripping from his hand. I quickly picked him up so the blood could drip in the bathroom on the linoleum instead of the carpet and inspected his hand. I ran to get some bandaids and my phone. I did a pretty pathetic job cleaning off his finger and attaching the bandaid for two reasons. #1 he's 11 months old and likes to squirm. A lot. #2 adult bandaids are HUGE and it was hard to wrap around his tiny finger six times. So I called Lance and asked if there was any possible way he could come home for two minutes. He laughed and did come help me hold Kimball still and it was fine after that. I forgot how much razor nicks bleed. His poor finger bled like crazy but it didn't hurt him. That was a shameful mom moment.

I forgot to blog about my first shameful mom moment although technically it wasn't my fault and I couldn't prevent it. About three months ago Kimball was playing and chewing on something. I dug around and found a tiny piece of green glass, followed by blood in his mouth. I sat him up on the counter and dug around some more to make sure there wasn't any more glass. He wouldn't let me in his mouth again. I tried to give him a bottle of water to rinse out his mouth but he wouldn't have it. I called Lance because I didn't know what to do and by then it had stopped bleeding. When Lance got home I showed him the piece of glass and it came from the mortuary. Lance cleaned up a broken glass bottle in the parking lot and had a tiny shard stuck in his rubber soled shoe and tracked it into the house. I don't know if there was anything either of us could have done and of course, only a crawling baby would find something like that.

Speaking of funny, this photo makes me laugh! I was on my phone and he was mad that he couldn't reach it so I took a picture, haha. What a sad, cute boy!!

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