Thursday, October 25, 2012

Magichords 2012

Last Saturday was the Magichords annual show. The headlining quartet was Code Blue out of Seattle and the Testostertones (we call it T-Tones for short) also sang. Lance spent literally all of Friday with the quartet as they made appearances on several radio stations and more importantly they visited the local high schools to promote barbershop. This was a huge success, not only were all the teenage girls flocking for autographs and pictures with the quartets and lots of pleads to marry (you'd almost this they were Justine Bieber or something), it brought a huge number of youth to the show on Saturday. I was very surprised at the number of teenagers who showed up to hear the quartet and also to support their own T-Tones. I don't think I've seen the auditorium that full for a show before so even though it's been baby steps over the years, keep going Lance! What you're doing really is making a difference.

Short background, Lance has been trying VERY HARD the last year to get more young guys into barbershop and several high schoolers have stuck with it all year. They don't necessarily sing with the Magichords but they formed their own group call the Testostertones. So this young group consists of about 10 guys ages 16-30 Lance being the oldest. They performed two songs on Saturday and knocked it out of the park! They did SO, SOOOOOOO good, I was so proud of them. Lance has struggled quite hard fighting a few of the older guys who didn't want the young kids, blah, blah. It was awesome and it proved quite a lot to the Magichords.

That takes us to the Afterglow. I was also surprised at the number of teenagers who came to the Afterglow, still begging the members of the quartet to marry her, many pictures and autographs, and lots of fantastic singing. It was GREAT!!

So Lance, awesome job! I'm sorry I totally forgot to get pictures/video of the actual show so this is all I have, the very last song.

Here we are at the Afterglow. Poor Kimball stayed up so late and despite being exhausted, he was such a good baby.
  The quartet sang a song just for me and Kimball. I'll admit, a little awkward for me to stand there for three or four minutes. By myself. But it was awesome. I think Lance tried to get a little video.

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