Thursday, May 13, 2021

March in Photos

 Started hiking again for the year. This day we just went down to the river to throw rocks, feed ducks, and happened to spot this bawled eagle at the top of the pine tree.

Hiking with Owen and Maddison on the trail by our houses.

This day was Julie's Grandma Birch's funeral. It was a lovely day and not too cold. I couldn't help but bring spring daffodils for her three younger siblings that passed away years earlier.
View of Spokane from the cemetery.

Lance was able to go home for a quick 3 days to attend Wally Ogden's funeral. He called it an inspired trip because he was able to talk with Donna and John about John's health scare. With his cancerous tumor being removed and the following complications with his blood, we never really got clear answers for Donna. So it was nice that he could talk with John and they had a great visit, even both of them crying at times talking about life and death.
Donut time!

First smores of the year
We hiked up the Dishman Hills area with Julie, it was lovely

Grandma Watson turned 91. She also made the difficult decision to sell her house and live in Debra's mother in law suite in her new house. I think the house became too much and she needs a little more help with day to day things. What a blessing Debra has been! And if I remember correctly, when they built their house they specifically added the mother in-law suite for Grandma.

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