Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One More Thing...

I forgot to mention one other thing about buying a house: mortgage insurance? Are you crazy??? What a joke, as if all the fees and closing costs aren't enough, go ahead and throw the utmost dreaded "I" word in there. I can understand homeowners insurance, that's a little different. Really though, mortgage insurance?! Geez!!


Kristina said...

You can get loans without PMI you just have to shop around. I got mine without money down and without PMI. I got my loan through DL Evans. Hopefully this helps! Good luck!

Tawni Williams said...

Yea make sure you shop around for your loans - it honestly takes as much shopping as it does a house but WELLLLLL worth it! Fun adventures for you guys!!!

analee hirschi said...

seriously. It was so stressful to buy a house. Congrats though. I would love to know where it need to call me!!