Thursday, February 23, 2023

I LOVE My Short Hair!

The boys were in desperate need of a haircut so off we all went to Great Clips. Cora wanted her hair cut as well and this was the first time I let her decide what style and how short she wanted to go. I urged her to cut it up to her chin and then she could go shorter if she wanted. Every time the stylist asked her what she thought, Cora kept saying to go shorter. Go shorter. Go shorter. She gave Cora a lot of layers, the shortest of which goes to her eye.

The next day was therapy before school and as soon as she got to therapy, she took off her hat. She proceeded to flip her hair, do a fancy spin around, flipped her hair again and asked, "How do you like my hair?!" She had a gigantic grin on her face and the therapist just laughed. Apparently she did the same thing that morning when I dropped her off at school and her teacher thought it was just the darn cutest thing. She said Cora exclaimed, "I LOVE my short hair!" and was happy to see Cora come out of her shell like that.


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