Monday, February 13, 2023

Jason Koyle's Funeral

 Last week Mom called me with shocking news that Tara's husband had passed away that early morning. I was so shocked and literally speechless. I just stood there in silence trying to process what she'd said and my brain just couldn't accept what I was hearing. I was so shocked! Jason and Tara have had so many difficult trials their whole adult married lives, I just cannot understand the why to this newly devastating trial.

I was able to quickly make arrangements for Lance and the kids so I could fly down for the funeral, there was no way I was going to miss it. Scott and Brad's families, Joseph and 3 boys, and I all made it safely to Christine's house and had a little slumber party. I wish we'd had more time! The boys got there late in the evening and everyone was exhausted so we didn't stay up late visiting or playing games. I wish we'd had just one more day together!! But it was so fulfilling to feel that closeness of family and support.

The funeral was lovely. The viewing had a line snaking completely around the church and out the doors, it was amazing to see Tara have so much support and outpouring of love. I broke down crying as soon as I saw Tara. I just can't imagine her loss and pain. Such a tragic loss! As we were walking into the chapel I immediately broke down again seeing Jason's boots, belt, and rope on the display table. That had very significant meaning to who he was as man, husband, and father. Wow.

It was a very fulfilling weekend in that I was able to gather with family to "mourn with those that mourn and to bear one another's burdens." It was a humbling and holy experience. I felt the spirit so strongly at the funeral and Tara's home which were akin to the temple-such love and gratitude and holiness! It was amazing to visit with Tara and hear her recount the blessings and tender mercies that has been poured on her since Jason passed. She has an incredible testimony and outlook on life as she now continues as a single mother in raising her five sweet babies. I'll continue to fast and pray for Tara and her five children! 

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