Earlier this year Lance applied to speak at the TEDx Spokane event. out of 130 applicants, 30 were chosen to audition and then 10 were selected to speak. Once selected, each speaker worked with a coach for public speaking. They submitted their speech numerous times both written and on video for a rigorous editing process. Once that was complete, the speakers had to have their speeches memorized. Each speech is 10 minutes long. Lance is a gifted speaker and can speak/teach at any time without any sort of preparation. But he's never had a speech memorized before so he was a bit nervous about that part. The night came and he did a very beautiful job, I was so proud! All the months of time, energy, and hard preparation paid off and he executed it without a flaw!
This is his coach, Jaime, who was amazing to work with. We got to go to a dinner just for the speakers.
Our funeral directors showed up to support Lance, it was so greatly appreciated! They even sported these awesome shirts they made just for the occasion.
Q & A time
Lance got a very special surprise visit from TJ!!!!! We haven't seen him in about 15 years and it was so gosh darn good to see him! Unfortunately, Emily and the kids couldn't come but we're making plans for a visit in the future.
TJ was able to stay for the weekend. Donna, John, Kempton, and Isom flew up to see the TEDx talk and we got to spend 5 days with them. We drove out to the Cataldo Mission which is the oldest standing building in ID, built is 1850. It has the church itself, the parish house, and surrounding gardens. It is so beautiful! We also walked around Coeur d'Alene, the fall weather was so beautiful that we had to stop for ice cream.
This is one of the large paintings still in the church, it was my favorite and depicts the creation.
A beautiful fall day in CDA
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