Thursday, February 7, 2019


A few days after the glue incident Cora surprised me again, luckily this time it was in a good way. We were working on mommy school and I had to take this picture. The fluidity of her hand is improving and her letters/numbers/shapes are not so jagged anymore. She's getting there!
Cora and I went on a girls trip to get my hair cut. She surprised me by getting her hair cut too! I mean, this is the same girl who doesn't let anybody touch her hair. This is the girl who hates Mom doing her hair every week for church. This is the girl that hates brushes and shampooing and anything at all to do with hair. But Cora climbed up into the chair and sat perfectly still. She didn't love the process and especially didn't like seeing her hair falling on the cape, but she allowed it. Big props to you, my darling girl!!! To celebrate we stopped at the dollar store on the way home and of all things she picked out a bag of cotton candy. Her first professional haircut is in the bag.

Little Everyday MOMents

A few days ago after quiet time I went to check on Cora in the family room. I noticed on the coffee table she had push pins so I looked at my bulletin board and everything was off of it and our mail basket had been yanked off the wall. I asked her what was going on. I kept inspecting the room and saw a weird water residue on the tv screen so I went to wipe it off. It was glue! Cora had gotten into my craft cupboard and found the spray adhesive glue - which is super nasty, sticky stuff - and sprayed it ALL OVER THE TV AND ENTERTAINMENT CENTER!!! I was beyond shocked and flabbergasted. I was absolutely livid.

I had no idea how to react to this situation, neither her nor Kimball had ever done anything like this before. They've never colored on the walls or smeared toothpaste all over the mirrors, they just have never done anything like that. I have no clue how that idea came into her mind! I know she understands what I say to her but she couldn't give me an answer as to why she did it.

I needed to calm down, my anxiety and anger levels were off the charts. I called Lance and explained what happened and here's proof that he's a better person than I am. Lance said that it's just stuff and stuff can be replaced. He said not to clean it up when I'm this mad. And he said not to clean it up at all, that he would do it when he got home.

Huge sigh. Big breaths. I neeeeeeed to calm down! I said a prayer and went to find Cora to talk with her more calmly about it but this was how I found her, fast asleep in her bed. I decided the matter needed to be over and to never speak of it again.

 My little helper doing dishes with me
 Ezra helping Kimball practice his piano lessons

Love Treats

Lance has been working A LOT lately, lots of out of town calls. December and January ended up being record months, again, with 30 additional calls. We miss Daddy! So my best helper and I made his favorite treat - no bake cookies. It was just what he needed to get through his day and to know that we love him even (or especially) when he's gone.