Thursday, January 2, 2020

Thanksgiving and Christmas Festivities

We hosted Thanksgiving this year with Roe's, Gene's and Frazier's joining us. It was a fun 12 hour day of games, excellent food, and excellent company! I love my little Spokane tribe that has my back, even though I haven't seen some of these friends in 4 months or so. They make it easier to be away from home during the holidays. This was the only photo that was taken on Thanksgiving, I'm getting worse and worse about taking pictures!

Lance's Christmas barbershop show was well done. Instead of a full dinner this year, they opted for a dessert bar which was so much less stress! The chorus sounded good and his quartet did a great job.

Jerry Turner, Lance, Shawn Graham, and Dustin Crossley
Lance and I made sure to go to the Messiah concert this year and it was absolutely fantastic! It was at the First Presbyterian church and it was so well done. We used to go to this every year after we were first married, then we had kids and lost the tradition so I'm glad we went this year. It's such a spiritual meeting.

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