Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Aunt Bev and Grandpa Pass Away

In November we got a call that Aunt Bev had passed away. That family is so dysfunctional and with her gone there is a mess to be sorted out! I feel so bad for Donna, most of it has been on her shoulders. The family is fighting about the funeral, the house, the trust money from Grandma, etc. and it's just a mess. 

On the same day I got a call from Dad that Grandpa was in the hospital due to a fall. He had fallen at home but his arm was on his life alert so he wasn't able to get help right away. This caused some blood pooling somewhere aka too much potassium in his body. At the hospital we found his kidney's were only at 30% and he needed to be on dialysis so the decision was made that this was his time to go and his body was just too worn out. They stopped all of his meds and after 2 days Grandpa joined Grandma and Alene on the other side of the veil. I can't imagine the reunion they're having! Grandpa was 90 years old. 

Lance immediately went down to do Aunt Bev's funeral that Wednesday. I had planned to go down on Tuesday but Cora had a stuffy nose so I decided to get her tested for COVID just in case. Cora and Ezra both tested positive! WHAT?!?! Mine and Kimball's results were negative and the school told us that Cora and Ezra had to quarantine for 10 days since the start of her symptoms and because Kimball tested negative, he had a higher chance of getting it later on and would need to quarantine for 20 days. It makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever. All these COVID rules are so arbitrary and illogical, it's maddening. But, this means we'd have to miss both funerals. I was devastated and SO mad.

Cora's nose had cleared by Thursday and Ezra was still showing no symptoms so I got all of us tested again and we were negative. I called Cox and Pettingill families to see if they were all ok with us going down even though Cora and Ezra had one more day left of quarantine. They all said yes! We immediately packed up and left for home, unfortunately we still missed Aunt Bev's funeral but we made it to Grandpa's. Even after our trip nobody got sick so I'm relieved that we went.

His funeral was lovely, lots of family was there and Dad sure loved seeing everyone from Elba. We had a short lunch and headed to Franklin where Grandpa was buried next to Grandma. He had military honors and that was an absolute humbling experience.

I LOVE this picture I took! The flag draped casket, their headstone, the funeral coach, the military playing Taps, and the beautiful Cache mountains in the distance. Wow!


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