Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Aurora Borealis

When we heard there was a very high chance of seeing the northern lights we were excited but not hopeful. After the kids were in bed Lance and I drove out of the city to try to see them and there were SO many cars lined up everywhere on the side of the highway. No luck. Didn't see anything but white vertical lines. We drove back home and just as we were pulling into our neighborhood I happened to get my phone out (I don't remember why because it was midnight and dark). When I opened the camera on my phone, the sky lit up in all sorts of pink and greens. The northern lights!!! I'm not sure why you can only see the vibrant colors through a camera but you certainly couldn't see much with the naked eye. Those white vertical lined clouds we saw previously WAS the northern lights.

We pulled off to the side of our neighborhood for a good hour and just watched through my phone camera at the changing colors. It really was breathtaking! It wasn't only the northern horizon, it filled the entire sky!! What's even more interesting is if you imagine blowing up a balloon all the way with air, you can see faint striations coming down the sides and a little squiggle spot in the center of the balloon...that's exactly what the sky looked like. The very center of the sky had all these squiggle colors. It was just so amazing!!!


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