Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dirty but Happy

I don't know how some mothers make it through the day. I have one little newborn who is a good baby for the most part but wakes up like clock work to eat every 2-3 hours. How do mothers do it when they already have 2, 3, 4, 5+ kids AND a newborn??? Holy cow, they amaze me! Welcome a not so welcome thing called sleep deprivation.

I love being a stay at home mom! I had pictured things a lot differently though. For one, I thought I'd have TONS of time to be productive and get things done around house. I fantasized about vacuuming everyday, not so much as a sock left in the laundry basket, no crumbs on the counter, no dishes in the sink, and a dust free house. Ha! What was I thinking? I have finally got into somewhat of a daily routine which includes: feeding #1, two precious hours to be productive, feeding #2, nap, feeding #3, cook dinner and get ready for Lance to come home to help with feedings and such. So during the day I have about two hours to accomplish a huge to-do list. The nap is crucially essential, no questions asked. The rest of the evening and into the night where normal people are sleeping, you'll find me up at all hours soothing and feeding my baby. Currently, you'll find 6 baskets full of clothes, towels, and sheets that need to be hung and folded (at least they're washed and dried), a sink full of dishes, a floor with who knows what that hasn't been vacuumed for a few weeks, what looks like a mound of dust all over, two bathrooms that desperately need scrubbed, and a mom who could really use a week to play catch-up. Totally gross. I know. (By the way, no need to mention the fact that I don't get dressed for the day or wear make up anymore, or do my hair. The only thing in check is a shower).

But on the other hand, Kimball has been going through a growth spurt and as Lance and I stayed up and talked the other night, I got teary eyed thinking about my little baby growing up. I want him to stay little AND sleep through the night which won't happen, I know. So while my house is so dirty, and I mean F-I-L-T-H-Y dirty, my baby is still a baby and I want to enjoy that while I can. The dishes and laundry can stay piled up and people can judge me as they wish when they walk into my house but I don't want to miss one minute of my precious little boy's life. I'll hopefully find time to fold and scrub and sanitize during that itty bitty two hour "productive" time, and if I don't then I'll know I was busy snuggling up to my squishy, comfy, warm, cute little guy.


Karissa said...

Amen! Amen! Amen! This post is me to a T. I remember thinking those same things...and even know I'm in a routine but I'm still not getting everything done that I wish I could or dreamed I could...but we sure have fun every day and I think that is what counts! So--we will have filthy houses together! :-)

AVJ said...

You are so right Becky! Give that little boy lots of loves from me. And don't worry to much about the dirt... you know when you go over to other people's houses? They usually know when you are coming over and super cleaned before you got there. Basically everyone's house is dirty at times.

julie said...

Welcome welcome.

I still haven't showered or gotten dressed. It's almost 2:00.