Friday, August 14, 2015

Lots of Little Changes

  • Cora started walking independently!!! This is a whole blog post in itself but it needs to be noted. Walking still isn't her main form of transportation but it's a HUGE accomplishment!!
  • Both of the kids have had diarrhea for 1.5 weeks. No throwing up, they don't act sick, they still eat well, they just have the runs and I'm really tired of cleaning up poop.
  • Lance sold the Smart car
  • There are still 2.25 hours in the day and so far the business has hit a new record for the most calls in one day - twelve!
  • One of the big funeral homes has asked Lance to consider becoming their answering service. I told him no and he told them no but the longer he thinks about it, the more he's actually considering it. He's waiting for them to give him actual numbers so he can put to paper the outline of how it'd work. He's not offering this to any other funeral home and has no interest in doing it for anyone else. I guess we'll see how it pans out in a few weeks.
  • I found a sign language show on Netflix that's actually for kids and I watch it for my homework. I need to learn a lot more signs so I can be teaching Cora and together the both of us need to figure out our own form of communication. She's a smart little whip, she just can't talk.
  • I've finally bit the bullet and finished a few projects for the mud room. I'm tired of our little bar area collecting mail and junk so I've been working on a bulletin board, chalk board, and some baskets to hold "crap" in for the mud room. I'm tired of the bar area being so cluttered, hopefully this will help. I can't wait to get it all hung up!
  • I can't remember if I posted this a while back or not but I got a new calling and it's one I've had before that I absolutely love. I teach the 15-18 year olds in sunday school. I love it!
  • Cora's school has suggested she join a group therapy which I absolutely agreed to. Right now she has four, 45 minute, one-on-one therapy sessions with PT, ST, OT, and CI that are each once a week. They'll put her in a group of about 10 other kids that meets twice a week for two hours each. They do different activities from singing time, story time, playing, art, etc. just like nursery does in church. Within the class a therapist will pull her from group for a 15 minute session. Cora is a social butterfly and I think she'll greatly benefit from group and once she gets the walking down pat, her speech will pick up (hopefully). In order for me to keep her dream team of Ginette and Jan (who've been her therapists since birth) I've got to put her in the 8am class. That's so early! Unfortunately, parents and siblings are not allowed to stay for group but can observe from outside the classroom if we'd like. I did had Kimball signed up for preschool this year but I don't think I'll do that anymore. With Cora's group twice a week, plus Kimball's preschool three times a week, plus all the doctor appointments mixed in there?! That's way too much running around and too much going on in general. So Kimball and I will have our own time together while Cora's in group.

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