Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Grandpa Watson's Funeral

March started out with sad news of Grandpa Watson being admitted to the hospital again, this time with more serious complications of pneumonia and heart failure. His blood pressure was extremely low and he was severely dehydrated. Mom and her siblings went to Boise as this was a more serious nature, to be with Grandma and Grandpa. The next day things weren't getting any better and more organs started shutting down; kidney failure and the need to start dialysis, and respiratory failure. Grandma and Grandpa came to the conclusion that this was the end and he wasn't going to fight anymore. After their kids and spouses all made it to Boise to say goodbye, Grandpa passed away some 30 minutes after stopping medications and oxygen. Before he passed they were able to have one last family prayer and the men gave Grandpa a blessing.

We canceled our trip to Twin Falls for spring break and instead drove down to Boise for the funeral and then spent 5 days in Twin Falls with family. I'm not sure why the drive on this trip was so taxing but it was tough, I think because I was so tired. Grandpa's funeral was lovely and Lance arranged and officiated the services. One thing I learned about Grandpa was that he and his identical twin brother were 10 pounds EACH at birth. I had no idea and can't imagine how Grandma Charlet managed that!
Christine and kids, and Scott and Sydney, and myself were able to stay with mom for a few extra days. It was good to spend time with them! At times we had a full house so I had to give up my room and ended up sleeping on the floor with the kids. One evening we planned a cousin slumber party and while the kids all played, the siblings got together for an adult dinner. It was sooo nice to visit without kids interrupting and the extra noise that they make. Then we went back to mom's house and had an easter egg hunt in the dark with flashlights. It was so fun!!

The kids and I spent a few days with the Cox's and even got to see Stephanie's family. I can't wait for summer!
 Haha, Cora's hair was crazy on this day and the wind had nothing to do with it. Such an adorable thing!

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