Saturday, February 15, 2020

Our Life Lately

Cora has been doing really great in Kindergarten. After the first few months her teacher had been noticing several things that were just off when compared to other students. So we decided to do another evaluation and she qualified for special education services in 5 different areas: speech, OT, adapting skills, cognitive skills, and I can't remember the last one. Our first IEP meeting went great, I think all of her new teachers and therapists will be really great for her. She still gets to stay in the same classroom with the same teacher, but will be pulled out of class here and there for therapy. She's really loving it and doing well. Because she has an IEP, she now qualifies to take the special education bus. She was a little bit scared but did really well and after taking that bus for two weeks, she decided she wanted to start riding with Kimball. And ever since then, about 2-3 weeks ago, she's been riding the regular bus with Kimball. She keeps meeting and squashing her goals and continues to grow in all aspects. We are so pleased with her progress and her team of teachers/therapists at school.

Kimball is doing well in 2nd grade, despite his class being a little disruptive at times (he HATES that no recess or less lunch time is a punishment, and I don't blame him one bit). He wants to start playing baseball this spring and with our mild winter weather, has been outside batting and playing catch a few times. He still loves to read and tease. He loves learning new things, lately it has been wanting to learn cursive and more science based topics. He's had his little chemist set out the last several days experimenting away. This January he started attending the primary boys activities and he REALLY loves that! We've been working with him on memorizing the articles of faith and he's got the first two down so far.

Ezra is just a little shadow of the older two kids, mimicking exactly what they say and do. I don't want to forget, for the last several months he's always called Kimball "Booey." It's the sweetest thing ever and he still calls Cora "Sissy." But his speech is coming along nicely and now it's just "Timball." Ezra is still a horrible swallower and after a consult this last week, he's now scheduled to have his tonsils and adnoids removed next month. He LOOOOOVES it when the kids get home from school so he'll have someone to play with. His favorite thing to play with is his cars and whatever Cora is doing. He's definitely got a sweet tooth! And for some weird reason he has separation anxiety whenever I leave the room, especially if the kids are at school. He has to be in the same room as me at all times. Even if I'm just going to the bathroom or switching laundry real quick, it doesn't matter, he HAS to follow me or he cries. He must like his Mama. :)

I'm getting very antsy for spring and to start working outside again in the yard. Lance's removal business is going well and every month we seem to keep hitting a record number of calls. I think the local call volume is the same, he gets more and more out of town calls all the time.

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