Thursday, September 3, 2009


Some of you have been asking how my oral surgery went so here's what went down, or should I say out? We first had a consultation with the doctor because after a few more xrays, he thought there's no way my wisdom tooth should be bothering me. He asked if I was a grinder to which I replied no. He said I bet you are because your tooth is fractured which is what's causing you so much pain. Ah, just what I wanted to hear! So he pulled my back molar...........yes my permanent tooth............I told him while he's at it to yank them all out and give me dentures, Lance didn't like that idea too much. Thankfully he's thinking my wisdom tooth should come down in the exact place of my molar, so we'll see if that happens. Of course they put me out, I was SOOOOO looking forward to that! I think next to marriage being put out by anesthetic is the best thing in the world! But it was nothing like being put out or recovery from wisdom teeth removal. I woke up on my own after about an hour and a half of sleeping at home, eating was uncomfortable for the first 2 days but not bad, and I was back to the work the next day. And weirdest of all I had absolutely zero pain and no need for the pain medication he prescribed me. In a nutshell, it thankfully wasn't bad at all!

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