Monday, April 18, 2011

Menu Items

Question: Since being a mother is the most selfless thing I could ever do as well as the most painful thing, why does God make it so difficult to be pregnant? As if the labor isn't bad enough (and I don't even know yet, I've just heard horror stories) why does it have to be this way? Why do we have to feel so miserable and sick? Don't we get punished enough during labor?

I wish I was one of those women who's written about in journals that "she never complained and endure her trials well." I'm just trying to be realistic here and I'm trying the best that I can to be cheerful and optimistic. But its quite difficult to be/think so when I'm so miserable all the time.

So far, every day is different. Yesterday I threw up all day and was quite certain I would through the night as well although I was spared and slept off and on. I just wish food was appealing. Any food. Give me one food I can eat and I'll be thrilled! But nothing appeals and nothing settles my stomach. What's weird is that food tastes different now. I thought I would try Doritos chips, you know the regular kind in a red bag that is popular with lunches? But those didn't work, they taste so different now. Oranges help a little and Frito's chips help a little but what settles my stomach today will be repulsive tomorrow.

So frustrating and I'm only 8 weeks along. I do have my first doctors appointment this week which I'm looking forward to although I have no idea what to expect. I'm just hoping they'll give me any kind of good news.


julie said...

8 weeks?! Not to be even more pessimistic...but you pretty much have an eternity to go. a million years. My sympathies.

Sam and Kristol said...

I am so excited for you. And I hate morning sickness as well. I do believe it was WAY worse than my labor and delivery. This pregnancy I came right out and asked for Zofran (anti-nausea). I still felt sick a lot, but I wasn't throwing up 5 times a day. Good luck. I hope it ends earlier than later. Just know it is all worth it! :)

Sam and Kristol said...

I am so excited that you are pregnant. I am so sad that you are sick. I feel for you. For me morning sickness was WAY worse than the labor and delivery. This pregnancy I told my doctor that I wanted Zofran (anti-nausea) right from the first. I still felt sick a lot, but I didn't throw up as much so it wasn't near as bad. I hope you are over it sooner than later! Good luck! It is all worth it, I promise!!

Curtis and Crystal Emery said...

Becky, you are saying everything every pregnant woman feels at some point. It sucks being pregnant. I think back of everything I went through and that's why I have no desire to have another baby. Although it's hard to concentrate on the prize at the end of pregnancy, hearing the heartbeat, seeing the ultrasound, and feeling the baby will start to make it a little easier. It still is crappy but at least you'll know there is a reason you're feeling the way you are. Hang in there. You are strong because you are writing about it. I always kept quiet otherwise I would have lost it! Keep posting too. I love to read about your progress.