Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Eve Festivities

We had a nice Christmas Eve dinner of lasagna, garlic bread, and.....something for dessert I'm sure but I can't recall.

These are the ornaments we gave the kids this year. I try to pick something that they've really been into all year long so I got Cora a cupcake because she loves food and Kimball a race car with flames coming out of the pipes. They loved them! In fact, all Cora wanted to do was eat the cupcake.

I always loved opening one gift on Christmas Eve growing up and I tried that this year with the kids even though Lance said it was pointless. They opened the gifts that they got from the Guild School, and I put a pair of footie pajamas with them. I'm not sure if the pajama tradition will continue but it was a lot of fun anyway! Cora got a little tea set and Kimball got a game called Who Shook Hook? which is similar to Operation.
 She LOVES dressing up!


 Too excited to sleep!

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