Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mothers Day in Utah

I forgot to document Mothers Day this year. I hinted very heavily, nay-I gave a few direct speeches-to Lance about how I should take a short trip to SLC to visit Christine because I deserve it. I work all year with no thanks and no pay and I deserve a break to see my sister and her new baby boy. Anyway, after much persuasion Lance consented and my present for Mother's Day was a trip down to SLC.

I got really lucky because I got to stay three nights!! Not only that but Mom and Dad joined me for part of that trip so I got to see them too. It was heaven! I pretty much sat around being waited on, haha. I didn't have to cook any meals or clean anything or change diapers, it was a true break from my everyday. I can't say that's completely true. I did get up with Grayson for one night so Christine could have a break.

One of the days we went to Antelope Island to see the old homestead. This is the beautiful view we had! We picnicked there and even saw some buffalo.

Grayson makes some of the funniest faces

While I was gone, Lance took the kids to Fish Lake where they could explore around. One night they all had a slumber party in the guest room with yummy snacks. Everything went well and Lance didn't die and the kids LOVED it.


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