Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Summer Vacation

Our vacation in a nutshell (because I didn't get many pictures at all and then lost my phone on a trail. Oops.) :The first day all the younger kids went camping with Grandma and Grandpa Pettingill so Christine and I got to go shopping with just the two of us. It was so needed to be together and we definitely needed new clothes! That next week was spent in Twin Falls visiting Coxes and May's. 

The next week we went to UT to Cherry Hill water park with all the Pettingill's. What a blast! We had some good food, some good games (the best part was Scott tripping on his own shoe during a foot race), and good company. Lance took Kimball for a day trip to Lagoon, I'm pretty sure that was Kimball's highlight for the summer. I also finally got to meet Lucy!! We were also able to be there for Graysons' baby blessing and it was such a tender experience watching Grandpa Washburn in his feeble condition. On the way back to ID we drove to Logan to visit Laura and Josh Van Noy, we think it has been 10 years since we last saw them. We had a double date out to dinner and then joined them for church the following day. While there, we showed the kids the temple where we got married. Oh and when we picked up Lance from the airport in SLC we showed the temple square even though it was all closed up due to COVID. At least they could see that what we hear and see on TV for general conference really is real and tangible.

The last week Lance and I went on a date zip lining in the canyon. These runs were nothing compared to the runs in CDA. We rented the cabin in Elba and had the Cox reunion. We did lots of four wheel riding (where I lost my phone somewhere in Frank's Hollow), swimming, eating, visiting, and games.

You can't have a summer vacation without being dog tired every night. Ezra fell asleep on the bath rug waiting for me to tuck him in.
Swimming with May cousins
Tanned bum! 

Brad took Christine and I to Niagra Spring? Dam? I don't remember the name, but he took us fishing somewhere in the canyon on the Jerome side. Christine couldn't figure out how to cast and I was just a laughing and laughing at her, it was so funny! We didn't catch anything that morning but we all had a good time trying.

We had a girls trip shopping! We hit a ton of stores and everybody found something. It was really fun having the younger cousins and just be girls! 

The best part of our trip!

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