Wednesday, October 13, 2021

More Summer

You trying to nap, Dad?

This is Cora's 8th surgery and 4th one done on her eyes. It was to adjust the misalignment. I can't remember the technical term but basically they fixed both wandering eyes. She's a trooper and recovery was easy peasy for her. No complaining at all about pain although the double vision for two weeks wasn't her favorite.

Motocross at the CDA fairgrounds. What a riot!

I went cliff jumping with Kimball on one of our lake days with friends. This was at Medical lake. I was super proud of Kimball, first he braved jumping off the short cliffs and eventually jumped off the bigger cliff once he saw me do it. Way to go, bud!

Murphy's first bath at home

After the Cox reunion Kempton, Bonnie, John, and Donna all came to Spokane for a few days. We took them to CDA and enjoyed a scenic tour of CDA lake. It was beautiful! We had dinner at a restaurant right by the resort and had great conversation. Their next and last day we visit Green Bluff and tasted all the difference peach varieties and took home a bunch of produce. We had lunch at one of the farms and us women enjoyed walking around the boutiques. On the GORGEOUS drive there John kept saying, "Man, I'm so jealous! Why in the world do I live in Twin Falls?" He was just soaking up all the amazing landscape that we get to enjoy here in the PNW.

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