Bragging Rights
It has been so much fun to be 2500 miles closer to our families for the holidays. We were able to spend Thanksgiving with both our families and are looking forward to Christmas being the same. I wanted to give a shout out to all my in-laws and let them know how much I really appreciate and love them.Alright, I wanted to do more than a shout out to them, I wanted to brag about them. There's one thing in particular that I'm so blessed to be able to enjoy around them and that is music. Every single one of them are musically inclined, I've seriously never met a better pianist than my Mama Donna, and never a better singer than Lance's sister Jerusha. And when Lance and Kempton sing together, it makes you all warm inside because their voices blend so well. Most families will stay up late at night playing video games or watching movies, but the Cox's stay up until 2am and sing together while Mama plays. I love it! I feel the spirit so strongly whenever they're singing, whether its Phantom of the Opera or Come Thou Fount. I could sit and listen for hours and hours to them and never tire.
One Christmas tradition they have is called the Christmas Sing where everyone gets together and sings the entire book of The Reader's Digest: Merry Christmas Songbook. If there's a particular song that happens to be some one's favorite, then we sing all the verses. Between the good company, fantastic music, great holiday treats, and the occasional solo, this is one of my favorite days of the year. I'm particularly looking forward to the Christmas Sing this year because all of Lance's siblings will be home for the first time in a few years. Believe me, I'm no singer but I love this tradition! If there's a way I can post a video of it (or of Jerusha) then I'll do that as well.
I'm glad you are enjoying your family, what a wonderful Christmas tradition! I joined the chior at church, and Sister Rudolph said I had a beautiful voice. I don't know about all that, but I'm sure she wouldn't lie to me! Hope you are not freezing too much, make Lance get you a fluffy blanket!
That's a tradition my family has as well...though it probably sounds a bit more rough around the edges. :) It's my fav part of Christmas Eve.
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