Friday, May 6, 2011

Cinco De Mayo 2011

A date that will always be remembered for closing on our first house! Lots of people warned us how long it would take and the mountain of paperwork that we'd have to sign. But, surprisingly it didn't take that long at all, maybe 40 minutes, tops. The paperwork we had to sign was nothing compared to what we had to go through when we submitted an offer. I wasn't feeling well but I made it through the closing, thankfully.

As far as how I feel, I don't know why some days are better than others. Last week I had a good 4-5 consecutive days. For some reason the past few days have not been very good. Either vomiting or intense nausea which was painful. I'm 11 weeks now, almost out of the first trimester which is awesome and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the morning sickness will subside. I haven't lost anymore weight but I haven't gained any either, just being careful to avoid the vomiting trend to avoid losing more weight to avoid the hospital. For some reason when the vomiting is turned on I can't turn it off.

1 comment:

MarshandKrissy said...

YAY for almost being done with your first trimester! My fingers are crossed that you will see some relief in the upcoming weeks! You definitely deserve it! I can't imagine having to pack and move while being pregnant and dealing with all the vomitting etc. You are amazing!!! Hang in there!!!! Congrats on the new house (although I've heard there are some very unhappy people since you are not in ward boundries anymore)