Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Little Bebe Update

I had a pretty pointless ultrasound yesterday. They wanted to see if I have placenta previa again and to find out the gender. I'm only 16 weeks (tomorrow) so I wasn't very hopeful they'd find the gender, Lance was quite excited and really wants a girl. The cord was in between the legs and he/she was sitting indian style. Strike one. They think the placenta is a bit more towards the back but because I'm still early they want to do another ultrasound in four weeks. Strike two. So it was a big waste of time and especially money.

In other news, I gained one pound! But more excitingly I felt the baby move this morning. I'm not kidding and I know it's four weeks earlier than usual to feel the baby move but I swear I felt it! I was laying on my stomach in bed and felt him kicking against the mattress, there's no mistaking it.


Bonnie and Kempton Cox said...

I believe you. I felt both babies at 16 weeks!

Tawni Williams said...

I LOVE that first feeling! It can totally happen that early!! Sad you didn't get to find out the gender yet... but happy you will soon!