Thursday, May 30, 2024


Grandma and Grandpa Coxes Visit

Grandma and Grandpa Cox came to visit us this spring which was so lovely because they hadn't been here for several years. They just happened to be here during Goodies With Grands event at the school so the younger two kids really enjoyed having Grandma there with them. Donna also went out every morning and afternoon to get the kids from the bus, they sure felt so loved. 

I didn't plan too many activities for us to do because I knew they'd just want to relax. We did take them to Bing Crosby's house which was really awesome and I took Donna to a fun craft fair. She crocheted slippers for the kids while she was here and helped with dinners and homework. Murphy was in heaven with John, they instantly became inseparable. It was so fun to have them come visit and give us a much needed break from our usual week. We love them SO much!!


Giant Tulips

Look at my giant tulips! The petals are about 8" long which is much bigger than my hand. In the second picture you can see them next to regular sized tulips. I purchased these bulbs on a whim from Winco last fall and had no idea they would be this gigantic. They sure are pretty!


Bloomsday Jr Run and Gonzaga Field Trip

This year through the stake, I found out there's a special Bloomsday Run for the youth NOT on a Sunday. I want to participate to show the organizers that there are many families who would patriciate in the iconic race but don't because it is held on a Sunday. For completing the mile, the kids got all sorts of goodies including a free Silverwood ticket. It was fun to be there with lots of friends.

I went with Cora on her field trip to the Gonzaga campus. We just walked around and toured it all, I think it's mostly to inspire the kids to go to college.

We saw Spike!


Intentional and Mindful

This school year I have done a pretty good job of walking 3-5 days a week, usually as soon as the kids are on the bus. If I'm running errands then I'll stop somewhere around town to get my walking in such as the Centennial Trail, Felt's Field, etc. It has been really good for my mental health as I've tried to be intentional and mindful of what my body and mind need on that particular day. Some days I'm eager to hit the hills and other days I go at a slow leisurely pace. Both are awesome and needed. 

Found this beautiful tree and ant pile while walking during Kimball's piano lesson.

Walked along the river together as a family one night after dinner.

These treasures are from a walk just in the city park. I love spring!

This was walking at the Japanese gardens in Manito Park where I spotted a bald eagle right overhead and stopped to say hi to the giant koi fish.


Spring Break With Mom and Christine!


*Blogger isn't letting me put the pictures in order, ugh*

Lucas gave us the best photo bomb, haha!

We had THE BEST spring break week with Mom and Christine coming up to visit us! The weather cooperated and was absolutely sunny and beautiful so all the activities I had planned worked out wonderfully.

I found Big Foot looking for eggs!

We had a movie night with homemade popcorn.

I took them downtown to Riverfront Park where we played on the new Ice Age structures, scooted around the park, rode the carousel, enjoyed a picnic with ice cream, fed the garbage goat, then ended the day climbing rocks at Minnehaha.

Grayson managed to wedge himself in this tight spot.
We all scream for ice cream!

We hiked around Bowl and Pitcher in Riverside state park together. With lots of little legs it was a bit slow going but we had a great time. We found a steep embankment that we got to dip our toes in the cold water and throw rocks in the river. What a pretty area we live in.

I love that Christine is always mindful of tiny creatures and is so fascinated by nature.

My beautiful Mama and sister!
When you got to go, you got to go.

This is by far the most epic picture of Zander - I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
Stopping for a break