Thursday, May 30, 2024

Good Bye to Charity

Charity got her mission call to St. Louis, MO and promptly turned in her two weeks notice at work which would give her 3 weeks at home to prepare before she left for the MTC. For our last hoorah I took her to Ulta to get a little instruction on placement/symmetry of eyebrows, picked up some other beauty products, shopped a little for a few mission things, then we stopped at Trader Joe's for her road snacks and had lunch together. I'm pretty sure I converted her to Trader Joe's, that place has the best treats!

Charity gave her farewell talk at the YSA ward which the kids and I were able to go to.

Her last night here we all went out to Pete and Belle's for ice cream with her and Eli. We're going to really miss her, especially Cora since she grumpily said, "Now I'm the only girl, mom!"

I was able to fly down to Twin for Charity's mission farewell in Kimberly and pictured are all the gals that went to relief society. How fun to have the older nieces with us! The main reason I was there, is because Savannah invited me to her patriarchal blessing. I was quite shocked when she asked me, I assumed she would ask her own parents or grandparents but nope, she wanted me there. She has changed and really done a 180 with her spiritual growth since December and it has been a privilege to see and be a part of. Her blessing was so special and the number one question she had was answered within the first minute. She was just blown away how mindful Heavenly Father is of her, and it really deepened her testimony. She's such a special girl and I can't wait to see what adventures in life she chooses.

After graduation she was going to come live with us for the summer before heading to ISU for school. But since her blessing, she's in no doubt going to serve a mission. Now she's going to stay home to save up money and go on her mission asap. What an inspiration she is!

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