Thursday, May 30, 2024

Grandma and Grandpa Coxes Visit

Grandma and Grandpa Cox came to visit us this spring which was so lovely because they hadn't been here for several years. They just happened to be here during Goodies With Grands event at the school so the younger two kids really enjoyed having Grandma there with them. Donna also went out every morning and afternoon to get the kids from the bus, they sure felt so loved. 

I didn't plan too many activities for us to do because I knew they'd just want to relax. We did take them to Bing Crosby's house which was really awesome and I took Donna to a fun craft fair. She crocheted slippers for the kids while she was here and helped with dinners and homework. Murphy was in heaven with John, they instantly became inseparable. It was so fun to have them come visit and give us a much needed break from our usual week. We love them SO much!!


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