Sunday, August 9, 2009

Magnify Your Heritage

This past weekend was Craft Day with my family and my Grandma was in charge. I was really looking forward to it for a number of reasons other than the obvious of making a cute craft. However, my Grandma wanted us to learn about her mother in law, my Great Grandma Charlet whom I never knew. I was really grateful for this because I never knew her and as I become older and hopefully wiser in my years, I'm absolutely intrigued by family history and family stories. I love to learn about it because #1 its a part of who I am and #2 its a part of the legacy that I'll pass on to my children and grandchildren.

Grandma Charlet was a woman of spirituality, integrity, hard work ethic, etc. Among the two things she lived for besides her family of seven children and a wonderful husband whom she married at age 17, were that of quilting and her flower beds. Each of her grandchildren in attendance that day (my aunts and mom) were all to bring the tea towel that Grandma Charlet made for them and display for us all to see. She did beautiful embroidery and sewing!

I'm so grateful to have a family heritage that is honorable and one that I aspire to contribute to. I'm thankful for those who are now living that preserve the memories and possessions they carry that once belonged to my ancestors. I'm so happy and eager to learn about family history and to pass it on to my posterity. I love it. I treasure it. It is who I am.

My great grandma Charlet with her son, my grandpa Don Watson who was in high school during this photograph.

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