Wednesday, August 19, 2009

On a Lighter Note

My in-laws celebrated my birthday the day before (thankfully it wasn't the day of after how sick I was) by fixing me dinner and a delicious ice cream cake. I always ask for corn on the cob because when I was little I grew up on a farm and my birthday always came around the time the corn was fresh and ready to be harvested, so we'd live off the corn for weeks it seemed. I guess it was just my birthday tradition so to speak (at least it was in my mind). So Lance's mom gave me all the corn I wanted and fixed lasagna, garlic bread, and salad for everyone else. They spoiled me with generous gifts that were far too unnecessary (not that I'm ungrateful, I just think they could have spent their money on something more worthy, certainly not me). It was a fantastic early birthday!

The day of, while I was laying on the couch writhing in pain, my parents and sister in law and nieces and nephews came to visit me with lovely cards and gifts. Thank you so much everyone, I'm certainly blessed with the best family and in-laws that anybody could ever ask for! This is the front of the card that my boss (aka my dad) gave me. It's so fitting and absolutely me in every way.

1 comment:

J-Babe said...

Oh man Becky! I'm sorry you were sick on your birthday! Good luck with your teeth!