My stats on the other hand, I've lost 16 pounds so far with this pregnancy. Ugh. I just want to be done with it and I still have a long. way. to. go.
And the best news, I received this in the mail about a month ago:
Say the words in the two sentences below as fast as you can to find the hidden message!
Wear sew app pea wear pray guy nut.
Wheeler Ivan things giving.
Love, Christine & Stephen
Yep, that sneaky little Christine is pregnant and we're only a week apart! She's due November 22nd and I'm due November 28th. I still hope I beat her just because I'm so ready to be done with this but it does make being pregnant a little bit easier knowing I have someone to sulk and mope with, even if it is just over the phone.
Oh hang in there! It's so hard to stay positive when you get SO sick. Prayers are your way love!
Oh Becky, I can't even imagine how you could lose 16 lbs... from where do you lose it? Keep you in our prayers and thoughts that all will be healthy with you and baby and you will have a safe delivery this fall.
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