Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Watson Reunion

I was very anxious to go to the Watson reunion this year as it has been a few years since I have seen Grandma. She's slowing down but looking so good! She's staying with Debra and Craig and I got to tour the house they just built. I was in awe at Grandma's living quarters - she has everything just so, spends the majority of her time in the study, has a display wall and many more things dedicated to Grandpa, and her rooms are just filled with so many memories and love. It really makes me ponder, "Why do I fret over such trivial things in life? Grandma has got it figured out for sure!" I just loved the way I felt surrounded by her things, so much love and nostalgia and hope for the next life's reunions.

The reunion's theme was Family Circus so everything was centered around fun games and prizes. I think our attendance numbers shrink each time but it's really so good to finally meet up with cousins, aunts, and uncles that I've grown up with. It's amazing to see how large the family is once you count all the great grandkids (approx. 128) and great great grandkids (approx. 15).

These are the Whizzies the kids made to exchange. Each of them got a chance to choose steal something but they all wanted their own paintings. It's an acrylic paint pour and they turned out super cool!

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