Monday, January 14, 2013

Is It Nap Time Yet?!

Oh dear. It's a monday which day I've come to love as a mother because it's my catch up/cleaning/laundry/get back on a routine kind of day. However on this particular monday, I'm loathing life. Kimball was up way too much last night, I think the other side teeth on top and bottom are coming in. He's been extra whiny. Try combining a teething, cranky, whiny, tired, little 14 month old and you get one cranky, whiny, tired mother. It's going to be a long day.

1 comment:

The Staley Family said...

Oh my are those days Loooonnnngggg! Thankfully they too shall pass! :) We are finishing up the last 2 teeth and am I every happy about that. I love Mondays for the same reason. Never feel guilty for taking a nap if you can! Happy mama is way better than a productive mama! He is so dang cute I can't imagine him making any sort of fuss!